A short holidays break.

     1 st Auguts 2014

                                                                      One of the Tarifa beaches. Summer 2012

Spain in August is really hot. It is the best time for enjoying the beach. 

Therefore, as I only had a short break in July, I have decided to go to the south of Spain, to the town of Tarifa (Cadiz)to visit some relatives and friends. I will be on holidays for two weeks, so I hope to write about my designing work very soon.

Tarifa is a small town situated on the light coast of Spain, and across the Straits of Gibraltar facing Morocco. It is famous for windsurfing and it is full of surfing shool and shops with a very lively life night. 

I hope to get inspired about all that surfing style, and create some new pattern about it.

I have worked hard lately and my twins are off school till 3th September, so I think I am going to enjoy of their company as they are tired of seeing their mum in front of  the screen computer!It is worthy recharging my batteries!

I hope you enjoy your summer! 

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