I will be off till 17th July!

4th July.

                                                                                     This photo was taken in IBIZA in August 2007

Hello! I wanted to remind you I will be on holidays. In fact, I was making my cases, in order to spend some days with my children on the beach! My children, wow, they already are 12 years old, are really excited about it. In two hours I am leaving!

I love to be by the seaside, and I have always rented a house for some days there in summer since my twins were toodlers!

I need some days off, as I worked  really hard these last months. Sure, I will miss to design and my blog, but it is also good to be off from the computer screen, at least some days!

I need to rest and recharge my batteries!

I will be back next Friday 17 th, to share with you my work and experiencies!

 I hope you have lots of inspiration! 

Image and video hosting by TinyPicSee you soon!


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