Designing geometric patterns

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I have been working very hard these last weeks, obsessed in creating new patterns. I am trying to make some geometric and simpler designs in order to show a more versatile and assorted portfolio. It is a challenge for me as I am not fond of designing them, as I am used to my naïve world of colourful and detailed butterflies, flowers, leaves and trees icons. As I studied fashion design and I was a stationery designer develoving rucksacks collections for years, I am used to that floral and girly style.

I have also changed my creative process this time. I am used to working only concentrating in one pattern. I choose the best sketch, the one which inspires me much and develop it till I get a finished pattern with its repeat. 

Concentrating in only one design, it makes me be very demanding with it, and to spend much more time than I expected. I usually think I can improve it, and that it makes me to change icons distribution, composition, colour palette several times, making me not to be fast enough. 

It is very important not to doubt much about your patterns, and to know to stop of making changes to it as you can create lots of versions about one same idea, in one word you must be a determined designer. In my case I must admit I am sometimes doubtful, and one of the questions which my husband is tired of hearing is, what do you think about this pattern? I suppose I am not the only one who needs opinitions about her work. 
So, this time I am working in ten new designs, dedicating some hours a day to some of them. It is a little messy, but I think that way I am going to be more productive. Of course it is much better quality than quantity, but I hope to be able to develop nice ones. 

                                                 Some of the patterns I am working with.
It has me taken days to finish some of my floral designs, as I draw different detailed vector icons, traced by my mouse pad and sometimes its repeats are difficult, intricate ones. I was surprised to know some designers are able to design two designs a day, but after playing with geometric shapes I have realised it is possible to be faster with that kind of style. It is possible in some hours to create a geometric pattern, as only with a small repeated tile  or using symmetries, you can create an intricate and nice pattern.

That doesn´t mean  that spending lots of time in a pattern it means it is much better than a faster one at all. The difficult thing is to have the talent enought to create that simple appealing tile. A simple, balanced and fast pattern may be gorgeous, very easy to create for the talented artists, but it is very difficult to reach for the ones who hasn´t that style, that good taste or that knowledge of choosing and matching colours. 

                                     Some simple patterns licensed by kekacase as ipads.               

It is a challenge for me; I hope to create good patterns. 

                                                   Fabric swatches on cotton. Sold by,
Have a great weekend! I hope to have you next friday!

2 comentarios:

  1. I think your geometric patterns are already every bit as great as your floral ones! It may be that the discipline and self-criticism you've been using to create your organic patterns has unconsciously influenced your 'simpler' patterns and that's why they are so appealing?

    BTW, I live on my own so rarely get a chance to ask for an opinion of my patterns. I find the best thing is to leave them alone for a while - just a few days - and come back to them. Then I can see what needs changing and whether they are worth taking further or not - just a little tip that may please your husband :)

    1. Judy, how kind of you!You are so right!I am glad you like them, it is a new field for me!Thanks you for you nice tip, it is a very sensible one!The thing is that he is an engineer and he helps me when I doubt!But, as you say it is good to leave them for a while, then you see them with other eyes!
